Walk Your Path

22-03-2024 | Empowerment | GraceStation Press


At times we walk in envy, envy of the one that is deemed to have it all.    

Envy of the one that never struggles, the one that walks in grace, favour, and abundance.   

They appear to get things easily and are upheld in society. Married young with the proverbial golden child, a flourishing marriage and a whimsical fairy-tale life. They live in the swankiest part of town, drive the latest car, and have the staple twice a year family holiday! Oh, what joy!   

Although, not boastful, they irk you. They irk you with their happiness and ease of life.   

So, you begin to dislike them, abhorring ill thoughts in your mind towards them. A simple resentment over something you do not have but want, grows quick and deep roots of envy within you. The soil of envy is further cultivated by what you see, hear, and imagine.    

Yet you fail to dig out the rot in the soil, you fail to counter the negative with positive, you fail to count your blessings, you fail to acknowledge the times and seasons for man.   

You begin to imagine how you would live if you were in their position. How you would do things better, by being the humble hero of impact that you are.     

You conclude they are underserving of the ease of life; you minimise the grace placed over them allocating room for envy in your heart.    

Alas, today you, yes you walk in abundance, enjoying divine grace and favour.  You walk confidently amongst your peers with your shoulders high, smiling and making eye contact.  

You have all you need and want, yet the room allocated to envy is now too small. It has gradually expanded, taking deep root in your heart. 

Instead of being at peace enjoying the fullness of joy your season brings, you are consumed with keeping tabs on those around you. You compare and contrast, declaring them undeserving of their lot.  

You are always wanting, always judging, always comparing, unable to enjoy your season of abundance, cloaked with the garment of “what if and why.” You lose focus of your purpose consumed with their lives giving more room to envy.    

Well, on this day you encounter gratitude, yes, you encounter gratitude in your health scare.  

Envy decided on being a dictator, no longer satisfied with the space allotted, it wanted to make itself known by exerting full ownership over body and soul.  

As a result, a battle commenced when the path of envy and gratitude collided; leading to your health scare.   

Even though you have not seen or heard from gratitude in a while, he is ever-present although smothered. Gratitude was fully present when you were younger. He was there when you were thankful for the tiny amounts of food and money received when you begged. He was present when you woke up and appreciated the new day. He was your companion that stood out clearly whenever you appeared.   

But oh, how quickly you forgot about him. You allowed envy to dig an unchecked path in your heart, it grew wings that initially fuelled your aspirations but now sabotages you.   

Well, this health scare has knocked the wind out of the sails of both envy and gratitude. In the hospital you had to make a choice as you realise both cannot co-exist, as it brings forth crisis. Today you chose to walk the path of gratitude knowing it brings peace despite life’s challenges. You begin to know who you are, walking the path that comes from inner joy. You know who you are and walk the path destined. 

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