“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.”
(Jeremiah 30: 17)

The Challenge

Lack of Access to Primary Health Care

Our Solution

We assist our beneficiaries to access free primary healthcare through the National Health Insurance Scheme, paying for the registration and renewal where necessary.

NHIS card registrations


Needy Health Project


Health Awareness session


Emergency aid recipients


Infirmary donations to institutions


Community sanitation programs



News & Events

Breaking Emotional Chains; A GSf Mental Health Awareness Program

04-04-2024 | Health

GraceStation beneficiaries at Ningo Prampram witnessed a remarkable transformation as voices united to break the silence surrounding mental health. Le....

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GSF Activities

Kelvin Regains Mobility

23-06-2023 | Health

Kelvin is a 17-year-old beneficiary from Budumburam. He suffered a spinal cord injury from birth, and this has impaired his mobility ever since. Kelvi....

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GSF Activities

Smiling Again: Elizabeth Receives Health Support

11-04-2023 | Health

Elizabeth is a widow with 3 children she is supporting. She supports her children with a nanny job with a monthly income of less than 300 Ghana cedis.....

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GSF Activities

Achieving SDG3: NHIS Registrations for PWDs

03-02-2023 | Health

According to the World Health Organization, poverty, exclusion from education and employment and poor living conditions all add to the risk of poor he....

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GSF Activities

Breast Cancer Awareness 2022: Free Screenings and Sensitization at GSf

08-11-2022 | Health

At GraceStation foundation, the general wellbeing of our beneficiaries is of utmost importance to us! In acknowledgement of October being a month to r....

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GSF Activities

Nourishing Dora Kpogo

08-09-2022 | Health

Mary Oblitey is a single mother who used to work as fishmonger. She developed breast cancer and immediately had to stop breast feeding her new baby- D....

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GSF Activities

Adeiso Health Talk

20-06-2022 | Health

The transition from being a child, dependent upon one’s parents, to an independent and self-reliant adult, that is, the adolescent transition re....

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GSF Activities

Gabriel Walks Again

19-04-2022 | Health

Fifty- two-year-old Gabriel is a mason that developed complications with his liver thereby making him unable to walk. He resorted to lying on his back....

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GSF Activities

Nutrition Awareness

18-08-2021 | Health

GraceStation Foundation in the month of August, organized a nutrition awareness talk for its beneficiaries. They benefited from talks on the major nut....

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GSF Activities

World Malaria Day (A Health Awareness Initiative)

26-04-2021 | Health

Across the globe, to celebrate World Malaria Day we highlight successes in the fight against malaria and the responsibility we all have to end malaria....

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GSF Activities
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