03-02-2023 | Empowerment | GraceStation Press
Tired and frustrated he walks away
Feeling dejected, unappreciated, and unvalued he walks away
Yet he longingly stares back at me
Wondering and knowing he is my perfect companion
My gateway to joy, peace and greatness, my helper.
Strangely, I don’t notice his absence
My daily neglect reducing him to a whisper at a loud party
All caught up in the buzz of my surroundings
I immerse myself fully, in living in the moment
Not having a care for him or a care for tomorrow.
Yet in the quiet times I sense his presence,
The small nagging voice that beckons me
Being proficient at tuning him out, I ignore him and focus on taking charge
Forgetting I have no real control, and that all I have, and I am depends on him my helper
I work hard at living in the temporary pleasure of my desire, grasping for more, chasing after the wind
And suddenly, as is usually the case, I enter a slump, feeling alone, unwanted and underserving
I contemplate the options to overcome the low, but I am unable to find a way out
In the loud silence of despair and loneliness, His whisper is audible
I love you; I am with you always, I knew you before you were formed, I even traded lives for you because you are precious to me, you are honoured, you are loved, you are mine.
Scared, overwhelmed and panicking, I freeze and contemplate if I am going mad
“I love you as you are, you are precious to me” echoes all around me
I begin to chuckle, falling into a mishmash of hysterical laughter and crying
Is this possible? How can someone I ignored, maltreated, and even neglected love me?
Yet there is a glimpse of hope as my heart leaps when “come as you are, you are loved” wrapped itself like a form fitting glove all over me
A feeling of oneness, peace settles over me, a welcomed light in an otherwise dark tunnel
He loves me and has been patiently waiting on me, what joy, what freedom, what a privilege.
I latch on to him, declaring “where you go, I go” and he whispers “welcome home my beloved”